Had a parent ask about more opportunities for musician student to compete with their playing. We went back and fourth with the difference in sports and music but the conversation steered me to SmartMusic. Would there be a way to create a league of students and they could see where they rank on a passage?

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    Chad Mathis (he/him/his)
    Official comment

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, MakeMusic Cloud (formerly known as SmartMusic) doesn't currently have a publicly visible ranking system or leaderboard feature. With that said, you could assign pieces to students as part of a competition and use the assessment scores recorded in the Gradebook to create a leaderboard for display outside of the app.

    There may also be teachers out there who have created something similar that may chime in with ideas.

    If you haven't already done so, I'd encourage you to start a 30-day free trial to test things out for yourself: https://www.makemusic.com/free-30-day-trial/

    Chad Mathis

    Manager, MakeMusic Customer Support

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