One of my goals for (maybe?) this Tuesday is to record several of them over and over onto our iPad, since playing them over and over again is really challenging for him, since there are so many buttons to click and settings to change.  Whenever I have tried to record/test him, I kind of feel like no matter how much we have practiced, he still isn’t getting green dots on the notes….which I am guessing is the goal?  I am still figuring out the program myself.  And I usually have him play the timpani pieces, since they are straight rhythm practices.  The other percussion pieces seemed much harder for him to follow with apparent tone changes.  But I am NOT a percussion player, so I’m learning along with him.
Let me know if/how we should do anything different with him regarding Smartmusic, or any other thoughts you have on him using it.  I really love it!


Please Improve - Blake


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