Please note, the Peer to Peer Discussion community is not a MakeMusic public support portal. You can submit support tickets to our Customer Support agents here: https://smartmusic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. Please keep in mind that these communities are primarily driven by you - the contributors!

In order to best utilize the General Discussion community thread, please be sure to adhere to the following house rules.

 Above all else, be respectful to others.

  • Be sure that your post has a descriptive title!
  • When posting, please be sure to include the following information…
    1. Include the type of device you are using, along with your operating system.
    2. Please be sure to include a brief description of the issue.
    3. Include the steps that it takes to replicate the problem (if applicable).
    4. Setting up the desired result versus the actual result can be crucial in clearly communicating the issue you are having.
  • In the event you have questions that are not about unexpected behavior in the program, please be sure to provide description of the goal that you are attempting to achieve. You can use the file attachment function to attach picture examples if you wish.
  • Do not use these communities for solicitation.


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