
Note: The ability to reset students' passwords is restricted to schools that have ownership of student data. One such example is public K-12 schools in the U.S. If this applies to your school, but you do not have the ability to reset students' passwords as described, please select Submit a request above to contact Customer Support for assistance.



On the Class Details page, check the box(es) in the far left column next to the name(s) of the student(s) who need a temporary password created. Click Manage Students > Reset Password.


Manage Students.png


A prompt appears confirming the selection and acknowledging that the temporary password will be valid for 14 days. The selected user(s) will be notified, then prompted to create a new password the next time they log in. To continue, click Proceed.


Click Proceed.png


Type a temporary password in the New password text field and again in the Confirm new password text fields, then select Change PasswordNote: The temporary password must be between 8 and 100 characters in length, include one lower case character, and at least one upper case character, number or special character.


type new temporary password.png


A message appears confirming that the temporary password has been created. You can copy the password by pressing copy.png . Select Ok to complete the process.


take note of new temporary password.png



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