
As with any other piece of content, you can assign exercises to your students. However, with exercises you can specify the concert pitch key to be applied to each exercise assignment.


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Step 1: select the Exercises tile.


On the Home page, scroll down to reveal the "Music Categories" section on the right side of the screen and select the Exercises tile.





Select the icon on the left side of the screen to open the Music Catalog. Scroll to the bottom of the Explore page to reveal the "Categories" section and select the Exercises tile.




Step 2: find and select the exercise.


Choose an exercise type (e.g. "Arpeggios"). A list of exercises appears on the left side of the screen. Choose the exercise you would like to assign and then select the icon or Assign




Step 3: customize assignment name, instructions, and parameters


The Assigner page appears. In the first section of this page, you can customize the name and include general instructions for all instruments.


2.1 Assigner name instruction.png


To customize the length and metronome setting of the assignment, select Preview and customize.  The Preview and customize screen appears with a preview window and all of the parts listed.


2.2 preview and customize.png


You can define the tempo, as well as the starting and ending measures for the assignment.  Additionally, you can provide specific instructions per instrument.  These parameters can all be set for each individual instrument, or you can apply custom specifics to all of the parts by setting them for one instrument, then selecting the Copy parameters from (part name) icon. 


copy parameters icon.png


Select Save once you've finished to continue creating the assignment.


custom save.png


Step 4: set the grading rubric


Once you've set the parameters, you can determine the grading rubric for your assignment.


Select Submit Grade Automatically to have MakeMusic Cloud's real-time assessment count as the grade in your Gradebook for the assignment.  You can always change this grade later.


Additionally, you can set the assignment to be ungraded, but take note that this cannot be changed later.


grading rubric 1.png


If you wish to create a custom rubric, select that option to open the window where you can set the new rubric's parameters.  Note that you can choose whether you'd like to include the MakeMusic Cloud score as part of your custom rubric.


MMC score updated language.png


Select New Criteria to create your custom rubric.  More options appear to customize the name, add a description, and add multiple levels.  For more information on working with grading rubric criteria, see this article.


custom rubric updated language.png


Step 5: determine the assignment settings




You can enable the Video recording and Measure highlight options by toggling them on in this section.


settings video and measure highlight.png


Set the Cursor movement type by selecting the dropdown menu next to this category.  You can choose from the multiple options presented.


Cursor movement dropdown.png


Select Metronome, Accompaniment, and My Part, or any combination of the three as your required assignment settings.  Students can change these settings for practice, but can only submit an assignment with your required settings.


metronome my part accompaniment.png


To change how MakeMusic Cloud will assess pitch and rhythm, choose the assessment level.  The tolerance levels correctly assess students in three categories: pitch, onset and duration.  These areas with adjustable settings are measured with pitch in cents, onset in milliseconds, and duration as a percentage.


Updated Assessment.png


In the Additional Features section, there are a few more parameters you can determine for your assignment. 


You can turn any assignment into a sight-reading assignment by enabling that option.  You can give the students from 0 to 300 seconds to study the piece before they record a take.  The student's first take will be submitted automatically.  If you are assigning a sight reading outline created in Sight Reading Studio, this mode is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.


Also, you can enable the Rhythm Only option to exclusively assess the student's rhythmic performance.  If this option is selected, the student should either clap or use a percussion instrument.


Rhythm only.png


Once you've determined all of the settings, select Next to finish creating the assignment.  Note that this will not yet send the assignment out to your students, but it does complete the assignment creation.  If you'd like to change any parameters after this step, you'll need to edit the assignment from your Units/Assignment Template page in your account.




Step 6: assign the newly created assignment template to your students.

After selecting Next in the previous section, your assignment template has been created and you're ready to assign it to your students.  You can specify the due date, late assignment parameters, and the class that you'd like to receive the assignment.


Assign pg 2.png


Select the Assign button to send out the assignment, or select the arrow next to it in order to display further options to either Schedule the assignment for a later date, or delete the Assignment Template entirely.


page 2 assign button.png



What about my students?


When your students open the assignment, they see the exercise in the proper concert key.


If they try to change the key and record, they are warned that they will not be able to submit their assignment, and an exclamation point appears over the Record button:


Students can easily go back to the initial setup through a pop-up window.



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