
Meet Dorian

Say hello to Dorian, our new character to encourage you on your practice journey! Dori is energized through your practice and is here to celebrate all your milestones. 


Getting Started

STUDENTS: You must be enrolled in a class to access your progress and practice activity on the Homepage


Press the Start button to get recommendations from our music catalog to begin practicing. Or, go ahead and practice your assignments. 



Any titles you practice will count. Your primary instrument is automatically selected for you in this window. You can change this in your account details page or choose a new instrument in the dropdown menu. 




There are 4 difficulty options to choose from. You can change the difficulty level and explore new recommendations from our catalog. 



How is Your Progress calculated?

Your progress is calculated in minutes. Minutes are defined by calculating the time between pressing start and stop in the Practice App. You can press play or record, which will count towards your minutes. 




Power Up 

Practice for 5 minutes each day to get a Power Up and celebrate with Dori!



There are 10 levels you can achieve with Dori. Within each level, Dori defines the amount of practice time needed to advance. 



Weekly Practice Time

Track how many minutes you’ve practiced each week. The practice week begins and ends Sunday at midnight PT.



Weekly Streak

Coming Soon! Currently, Parents and Guardians can get Weekly Email updates which include your weekly streak if your teacher has enabled this feature. Soon, you’ll be able to see it on your homepage. 



Hide your progress and updates

To hide your progress, click on the Settings icon within the Progress section or go to your Account Details



Toggle Off “Updates” to hide pop-ups about your progress.

Toggle Off “Homepage” to hide My Progress on the Homepage. 



Click here to see frequently asked questions.


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